For busy mamas who want to preserve the most precious moments of their lives

Do you have a fancy camera that you have no idea how to use?

If you said yes, we are here to help! Everything we learned over the last 7+ years in the photography business we have compiled in this guide to help you learn how to get your camera out of auto mode and into manual mode.


Learning your camera is hard..

It's no secret that trying to figure out this camera on your own is extremely overwhelming and confusing. There are so many buttons to choose from. What is needed and when?? We are here to answer all of those questions!

No picking up your camera and immediately putting it back down. From here on out you will know exactly what to do and when to do it!

Louisiana Photographer

Are you ready to capture images that you will cherish forever?

No more getting frustrated with your photos not turning out. No more letting your camera choose all the settings for you. It's time to get the photos of your dreams!

North Louisiana photographer
Minden Louisiana
Ruston louisiana

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